Objective, Subjective and The Unconscious Faculties

Much has already been said about the human Objective (things we perceive from the outside of the human self), Subjective, our reasoning and logical aspect that works in tandem with the objective through messages we take in from the outside world and, of course, the Unconscious  (or Subconscious) faculty. These all refer to human consciousness or awareness.


Needless to say, the most fundamental of all is the Unconscious Mind. With reference to the crucial position in between, a productive Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy session must encompass the therapist briefly reiterating and recognizing what any person’s situation has been (mild and useful regression), up to the point where they seek help (the now).


With reasonable care and skill, the therapist then helps the client to refine, mold, and encourage a renewed positive focus on the future situations as to where clients see themselves. In that stride, at Sydney Main Hypnotherapy Clinic, the try is a real worth it – Let us work with you confidentially to untangle those uncertainties around any issue you might be experiencing. 


Understandably, to the undetermined mind, this can be a difficult and complex task. However, the moment we form the courage to, for example, give up an addiction, the main words to hold in mind are, “I am determined to do give up… and I certainly will”. These are powerful words as they help the client to be more relaxed and ready to receive, mentally digest, and objectively begin to implement those positive suggestions from the therapist.


This self-belief for change, without a shadow of a doubt, raises the vibrational level of the person’s Unconscious Mind. This constituent of the human make-up is independent of all our external material leanings. It only reacts to the words, pictures, and actions that we pass through our thought waves and patterns. Otherwise, the things we have repetitively petitioned it from the objective (or material world).


The truth is, if it is not stuck to the memory we are less inclined to do it subconsciously (or unconsciously). There are experiments available that can be performed to alleviate, rebut or eliminate negative thinking.


The choice is yours!


Dr. George Naike, Ph.D. © 2022

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