The Three Fundamental Mental Processes

Here, we will always find Will, Habits, Disfunzione sessuale and Suggestions (or Auto-Suggestions).




Psychology has Will as the faculty of willing (or volition). The nature, origin, and functionalities of this faculty need more understanding. Perhaps, given a situation, we can either choose to react or be inactive. One way to explain this is, that we have to first mentally (unconsciously in the case of a habit) accept an impulse or compulsion to do something before we can consciously apply ourselves to doing it.

As we can begin to see, this is already opening up a world of the duality of Will. To get a good result from Hypnotherapy, it is essential for the client to first decide that they want to give up a habit in the first place. This is the first step that is dictated by the inner voice of any person before they engage in any action.




There can be no habit without the willingness to deliberately engage in it. Just like other habits, one has to purchase a cigarette before one can smoke it… Habits are perpetual expressions of interest in things that we willingly partake in and gradually introduce to the body and slowly assimilate into the subconscious mind and then into our memory bank. It only becomes a problem when a habit becomes an automatic (or involuntary) action, which results in perpetuity. The illusion of a need we psychologically build can be explained with the first drink, followed by the second and the third, before it becomes an uncontrollable habit.

The subconscious mind understands all human languages and will act according and thoroughly honestly by taking all words or pictures it is given. It believes and then memorizes everything we present it permanently. It responds with utmost reliability and positivity in yielding our commands. It automatically recalls any matter of habitual interest that we have sufficiently emotionally digested and automatically saved.

Remember, the unconscious mind reacts in a double-sided manner. One is detrimental to health mentality by way of unhealthy habits while the other can be of immense benefit when put to positive use. The thing to remember is, that a habit was once a choice but the moment it becomes automatic (henceforward unconscious) a habit can be formed. The question then is two-dimensional; is this now a habit that one can stop or is it an addiction? If it is an addiction that you have decided to give up give us a call today.


Suggestions (Or Auto-Suggestions)


Having talked about Will and Habit in the foregoing paragraphs, it is now time to make mention of the “chief engineer”, the unconscious (or subconscious) mind! Here, we are dealing with deep aspects of the human mind, so the least said and rest is left to the appropriately trained and qualified therapist. Before any change can manifest objectively, there must first be an impression made upon the unconscious mind as to what needs to change. It works when the client is ready for the work!


Dr. George Naike, Ph.D. © 2022

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